Whatever will be

Monday, March 12, 2007

Appraisal ... New task ...

We has our appraisal today. It was better and worst than expected. Contradicting right?
I was praised to cloud 9 cos of PF. Details shan't be mentioned here...*shy*
Blessing in disguise is that I'm the only PF officer then who work directly with my DD, M and AC... they can actually see how I work...
I actually read my old blogs from last yr... abt how i dislike PF.... then how i slowly "develop" feelings for it... hahaha... Funny right?
I was given a new task... To handle emails after the filing peak. Hmmm... Now I know why they put me as email backup for peak...??? Or am I reading too much into it? Emails after peak would mean that I will be parting production, parting from my team. Emails would also mean that I won't have add'l projects to do??? I have gotten used to do projects. I look forward to it despite the grumbles i had. It takes my mind off production work for a few months in a yr. It is much more interesting and I get to know and meet more pple... How??? Will I be able to get used to it? Die... difft working mates again. Difft mgr again? Details are yet to be released Perhaps in Apr or May... Now, I'm starting to 舍不得 PF. I regretted being stunned when they told me. I shld have jus tell them that I shld jus stick to PF?!
I know that it is good to take on new tasks. But I wonder why... Everytime something changes or something new comes up, my mind will go into a swirl... Needed time to settle down again. Luckily I dun work in an environment which changes job scope as and when? *sign* ...


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